Installation & Updating

Installation & Updating

There are two ways to install the LaTeX packages for use in your next scientific contribution. If you are not too familiar with LaTeX’s internal workings, then you probably will want to choose the basic installation method. For more advanced LaTeX users or those who want to install the LaTeX packages globally, the advanced installation is the preferred method.

Basic Installation

To install the LaTeX packages, you simply need to download the most recent release from our releases page or form the CI/CD build arifacts and unpack it into your working directory. Then, use the packages as you would normally use a package in any LaTeX document. Refer to Order of Loading Packages to see in which order packages should be loaded in.

Advanced Installation

It can be cumbersome to add the packages to the directory of each document you are working on. Not only does it cause a high level of redundancy, it is also a pain to keep the documents up to date. For this reason, we recommend you to copy the style files downloaded form a release on our GitLab server and move them to a TeX-searched directory. If your system has make, then read the section on Automatic Installation, else you will need to perform the Manual Installation

Manual Installation

Download the most recent release from our releases page on GitLab (see Basic Installation for that). Then, open a command line window and type in

$ kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME

Note the value of this directory and navigate into it using your preferred method. Within the directory, navigate to tex/latex and create a new directory called philipptempel

$ cd `(kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME)`/tex/latex
$ mkdir philipptempel

Copy all .sty files into this directory. You should now be ready to use the packages in any LaTeX document without any additional steps.

Automatic Installation

First, clone the repo and change into the directory

$ git clone
$ cd latex-package

Then, simply build the make target install

$ make install

If you do not see any errors, you have successfully installed the package into your local TeX environment.

Order of Loading Packages

Since some packages depend on others, the recommended loading order is given below.



If you downloaded a release or installed the files manually into your texmf directory, simply get a new release and follow the steps in the Manual Installation

If you cloned the repository and have make available on your system, you simply need to pull in the most recent updates and install them to your local TeX environment. Just run the following commands in your local command line in the directory of your clone

$ git pull origin master
$ make install